

   2007-03-21 欧盟561
核心提示:The legal basis of the system is Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food

The legal basis of the system is Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 laying down the general principles and requirements of food law, establishing the European Food Safety Authority and laying down procedures in matters of food safety (O.J. No L 31 of 1 February 2002).

The purpose of the rapid alert system for food and feed (RASFF) is to provide the control authorities with an effective tool for exchange of information on measures taken to ensure food safety.

To assist the members of the network, information is classified under two different headings :

• alert NOTIFICATIONS alert notifications are sent when the food or feed presenting the risk is on the market and when immediate action is required. alerts are triggered by the Member State that detects the problem and has initiated the relevant measures, such as withdrawal/recall. The notification aims at giving all the members of the network the information to verify whether the concerned product is on their market, so that they also can take the necessary measures.

Consumers can be reassured that products subject to an alert notification have been withdrawn or are in the process of being withdrawn from the market. The Member States have their own mechanisms to carry out such actions, including the provision of detailed information through the media if necessary.

• INFORMATION NOTIFICATIONS Information notifications concern a food or feed for which a risk has been identified, but for which the other members of the network do not have to take immediate action, because the product has not reached their market. These notifications mostly concern food and feed consignments that have been tested and rejected at the external borders of the EU.

Consumers can be reassured that products subject to an information notification have not reached the market or that all necessary measures have already been taken. The Commission publishes a weekly overview of alert and information notifications. As it is necessary to strike the balance between openness and the protection of commercial information, the trade names and the identity of individual companies are not published. This is not detrimental to consumer protection, as a RASFF notification implies that measures have been or are in the process of being taken.

The public must be aware that the Commission is not in a position to release more information other than that published here. However, in exceptional circumstances where the protection of human health requires greater transparency, the Commission takes the appropriate action through its usual communication channels.

The Commission informs the authorities of third countries of notifications concerning products manufactured in, distributed to or dispatched from these countries. However, the fact that a country is mentioned as the origin of a product does not necessarily imply that the identified hazard(s) originated in the country concerned.

Week 2007/11 Notifications in blue typeface concern feed, all other notifications concern food. TABLE 1: alert NOTIFICATIONS


12/03/2007 Norway 2007.0187 migration of primary aromatic amines from ladle TAIWAN
12/03/2007 Ireland 2007.0188 arsenic in natural mineral water LITHUANIA
13/03/2007 France 2007.0189 histamine in tuna steak (Thunnus albacares) SPAIN
13/03/2007 Sweden 2007.0190 oxamyl in beans (with pods) SPAIN
14/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.0191 rodent tail in cereal bar THE NETHERLANDS
15/03/2007 Germany 2007.0192 unauthorised use of colour E 102 - tartrazine in noodles VIETNAM VIA THE NETHERLANDS
15/03/2007 Germany 2007.0193 unauthorised use of colour E 127 - erythrosine in confectionery THAILAND
15/03/2007 Sweden 2007.0194 oxamyl in courgettes SPAIN VIA THE NETHERLANDS
15/03/2007 the Czech Republic 2007.0195 too high content of E 452 - polyphosphates in deep-frozen, glazed Alaska pollock fillet (Theragra chalcogramma) CHINA VIA POLAND
15/03/2007 Latvia 2007.0196 cadmium in zinc sulphate VIA POLAND
15/03/2007 the Czech Republic 2007.0197 aflatoxins in salted pistachio nuts in shell IRAN VIA THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC
16/03/2007 Denmark 2007.0198 sell by date exceeded of fish and fish products DENMARK
16/03/2007 Austria 2007.0199 Salmonella spp in chicken döner GERMANY
16/03/2007 Germany 2007.0200 deterioration of rabbit fillet THE NETHERLANDS
16/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.0201 erucic acid in chilli black bean sauce CHINA VIA THE NETHERLANDS
16/03/2007 Germany 2007.0202 aflatoxins in pistachios THE UNITED STATES VIA THE NETHERLANDS
16/03/2007 Italy 2007.0203 parasitic infestation with Anisakis of fresh mackerel ( Scomber scombrus) SPAIN
16/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.0204 Salmonella spp in tahini GREECE

TABLE 2: INFORMATION NOTIFICATIONS Notifications in blue typeface concern feed, all other notifications concern food.


12/03/2007 the Netherlands 2007.APV aflatoxins in groundnuts ARGENTINA
12/03/2007 Greece 2007.APW aflatoxins in dried nuts product (bonita) SINGAPORE
12/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.APX unauthorised substance lincomycin in honey CHINA

12/03/2007 Greece 2007.APY aflatoxins in dried nuts product (cubanita) SINGAPORE
12/03/2007 Germany 2007.APZ unauthorised genetic modification and unlabeled irradiation of instant rice noodles UNKNOWN ORIGIN
12/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.AQA illegal import of and absence of health certificate(s) for various food products VIETNAM
13/03/2007 Spain 2007.AQB arsenic in dried seaweed JAPAN
13/03/2007 Spain 2007.AQC aflatoxins in dried figs TURKEY
13/03/2007 Italy 2007.AQD ochratoxin A in raw coffee HAITI VIA BELGIUM
13/03/2007 Italy 2007.AQE parasitic infestation with Anisakis of fresh mackerel SPAIN
13/03/2007 Poland 2007.AQF hymexazol in unhusked rice UKRAINE
13/03/2007 Germany 2007.AQG aflatoxins in raw pistachio nuts with shell IRAN
13/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.AQH too high content of E 210 - benzoic acid in soft drink NIGERIA
13/03/2007 Germany 2007.AQI aflatoxins in raw pistachio nuts with shell IRAN
13/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.AQJ too high content of E 210 - benzoic acid in soft drink NIGERIA
13/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.AQK too high content of E 210 - benzoic acid in soft drink NIGERIA
13/03/2007 France 2007.AQL sulphite unauthorised and unauthorised colours Sudan 1 and Sudan 4 in spice mixture SYRIA
14/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.AQM aflatoxins in sliced sour oranges IRAN
14/03/2007 Italy 2007.AQN aflatoxins in pistachio nuts IRAN
14/03/2007 Italy 2007.AQO aflatoxins in bitter apricot kernels IRAN
14/03/2007 Italy 2007.AQP aflatoxins in hazelnut kernels TURKEY
14/03/2007 Italy 2007.AQQ aflatoxins in hazelnut kernels TURKEY
14/03/2007 Italy 2007.AQR aflatoxins in pistachios IRAN
14/03/2007 Germany 2007.AQS unauthorised substance isofenphos-methyl in fresh sweet peppers SPAIN
14/03/2007 Portugal 2007.AQT cadmium in whole frozen cuttlefish INDIA
14/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.AQU Salmonella in canteloupe melon COSTA RICA
14/03/2007 Cyprus 2007.AQV chlorpropham in baby food THE UNITED STATES
15/03/2007 Malta 2007.AQW undeclared wheat in various cakes TURKEY
15/03/2007 Malta 2007.AQX undeclared wheat in biscuits TURKEY
15/03/2007 the Czech Republic 2007.AQY mould infestation of hazelnut kernels GEORGIA
15/03/2007 Spain 2007.AQZ too high content of sulphite in frozen crabs and prawn tails ANGOLA
15/03/2007 Spain 2007.ARA unauthorised colour Sudan 1 in chilli powder EGYPT
15/03/2007 Germany 2007.ARB oxamyl and unauthorised substance isofenphos-methyl in red sweet peppers SPAIN
15/03/2007 Germany 2007.ARC unauthorised genetically modified papaya THE UNITED STATES
15/03/2007 the Netherlands 2007.ARD yeast infestation of orange juice THE NETHERLANDS
15/03/2007 the United Kingdom 2007.ARE unauthorised and unlabeled irradiation of dried rice stick THAILAND VIA CHINA (HONG KONG)
15/03/2007 Greece 2007.ARF aflatoxins in almonds THE UNITED STATES
15/03/2007 Greece 2007.ARG aflatoxins in blanched groundnut kernels CHINA
15/03/2007 Italy 2007.ARH aflatoxins in walnuts with shell (Bertoteilla excelsa) BRAZIL
15/03/2007 Slovenia 2007.ARI migration of nickel and of manganese from egg whisk CHINA

15/03/2007 Italy 2007.ARJ aflatoxins in shelled almonds THE UNITED STATES VIA CHINA (HONG KONG)
15/03/2007 Italy 2007.ARK aflatoxins in pistachio nuts TURKEY
15/03/2007 Denmark 2007.ARL unauthorised nutrients in food supplements THE SEYCHELLES
15/03/2007 Italy 2007.ARM aflatoxins in pistachios IRAN
15/03/2007 France 2007.ARN shrimp sauce with defective packaging THAILAND
15/03/2007 Italy 2007.ARO Listeria monocytogenes in anchovy fillets in olive oil ALBANIA
15/03/2007 Italy 2007.ARP Salmonella in sesame seed SENEGAL
16/03/2007 Italy 2007.ARQ fumonisins in gluten free maize ITALY
16/03/2007 Spain 2007.ARR too high content of sulphite in frozen crabs and prawn tails ANGOLA
16/03/2007 Greece 2007.ARS aflatoxins in groundnut kernels CHINA


12/03/2007 inf01 2007.0173 10 The country of origin is the Netherlands and not Germany.

标签: 食品 饲料
行业: 畜禽肉品
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