

   2013-01-22 食品伙伴网569
核心提示:据英国食品标准署消息,1月9日英国食品标准署就消费者对于转基因食品标识的态度公布了调查结果。 调查结果发现,消费者对于现行




        The key findings of the research, which can be found via the link below, are:

        Consumer awareness of the current labelling requirements is low.

        Participants were typically not seeking information or labelling with regard to GM foods. only 2% of participants mentioned spontaneously that they looked for information about GM content when buying food products for the first time.

        There was a slight preference for labelling indicating the presence of GM, rather than labelling indicating the absence of GM.

        Labelling foods to indicate the absence of GM ingredients can result in a number of expectations. For example, participants expected a product labelled as 'GM-free' to be completely free of the use of GM.

        Participants were generally unaware of the use of GM animal feed by farmers. once made aware of its use, they typically considered that products from animals fed GM feed should be labelled, consistent with previous FSA research.

        The Agency commissioned this research to inform discussions within Europe about GM labelling and to ensure the UK public's views were understood and represented.

    原文链接:http://www.food.gov.uk/news-updates/news/2013/jan/gm#.UPjhnx3FWic <http://www.food.gov.uk/news-updates/news/2013/jan/gm>

行业: 转基因食品
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