

   2012-12-21 食品伙伴网529
核心提示:据欧盟食品安全局(EFSA)消息,12月19日欧盟食品安全局修订了2011年关于焦糖色素的消费者暴露评估数据。 最新数据显示,消费者


    最新数据显示,消费者的最新暴露数值低于原先的数值,大多数情况下的暴露估算值低于原先制定的每日容许摄入量(ADI),然而成人和学步儿童所摄取焦糖色素的量较大,可能会超过焦糖色素E 150c的ADIs.


    In its 2011 opinion, EFSA's Scientific Panel on Additives and Nutrient Sources Added to Food (ANS Panel) carried out a complete re-evaluation of the safety of these three colours plus one other (E 150b) and established ADIs for their use in food. Given their similar chemical properties and uses in food, the ANS Panel also set a group ADI of 300 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day (mg/kg bw/day) for combined exposure to all four caramel colours (with a restrictive ADI of 100 mg/kg bw/day for E 150c within the group ADI)。 based on the more limited scientific information available at the time, the 2011 opinion concluded that it was possible that the use of caramel colours in foods may lead to exposures in excess of the ADIs.

    In its new statement, EFSA has refined its estimate of likely exposure to caramel colours in food based on new data provided by industry in 2012 on use levels in products ready to be consumed and consumption data available in the EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database. Estimates of consumer exposure through the diet to the three caramel colours individually is considerably lower than in the previous exposure assessment and - with the exception of E 150c for toddlers and adults with high consumption levels - no longer exceed the ADIs. The combined exposure estimates of the four caramel colours do not exceed the group ADI of 300 mg/kg bw/day for any population group.

    This latest work reviewing consumer exposure to caramel colours used in foods and beverages complements EFSA's previous risk assessment on these colours carried out in the context of the Authority's on-going re-evaluation of all food colours currently authorised in the EU. EFSA's scientific advice will help to inform decisions of EU policy makers in relation to food colours.


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