依据《中国农业国际合作促进会协会标准管理办法》的有关规定,经审查,中国农业国际合作促进会批准《地理标志产品 大城驴肉》(T/CAI 126-2021)、《地理标志产品 里坦窝头》(T/CAI 127-2021)、《地理标志产品 裕民无刺红花》(T/CAI 128-2021)三项标准发布,现予公告,并自2021年6月22日起实施。
In accordance with the relevant provisions of the “Standards Management Measures of China Association for the Promotion of International Agriculture Cooperation”, after review, the CAI standards for“Product of geographical indication- Dacheng donkey meat”(T/CAI 126-2021), “Product of geographical indication- Litan Wotou”(T/CAI 127-2021),“Product of geographical indication- Yumin stingless safflower carthamus”(T/CAI 128-2021),“were approved by the China Association for the Promotion of International Agriculture Cooperation. These 3 standards will be implemented on June 22th, 2021.
《地理标志产品 大城驴肉》等3项标准发布公告.pdf