2012年9月11日,澳大利亚农药和兽药管理局发布No. APVMA 18公报,对食品和饲料中农兽药的残留限量做了修订:
药品英文名称 | 药品中文名称 | 产品英文名称 | 产品中文名称 | 修订前 限量要求 | 修订后 限量要求 |
Bifenazate | 联苯肼酯 | Almonds | 杏仁 | T0.1 | 0.1 |
Flubendiamide | 氟虫酰胺 | Cotton seed | 棉籽 | T0.5 | 0.5 |
Paclobutrazol | 多效唑 | Avocado | 鳄梨 | T0.1 | 0.1 |
Thiacloprid | 噻虫啉 | Cotton seed | 棉籽 | T0.1 | 0.1 |
Bifenazate | 联苯肼酯 | Almond Hulls | 杏仁外壳 | T5 | 5 |
药品英文名称 | 药品中文名称 | 产品英文名称 | 产品中文名称 | 限量要求 |
Flubendiamide | 氟虫酰胺 | 蛋 | Eggs | *0.01 |
Flubendiamide | 氟虫酰胺 | 家禽可食用内脏 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
Flubendiamide | 氟虫酰胺 | 家禽肉[脂肪中] | Poultry meat [in the fat] | *0.01 |
Imidacloprid | 吡虫啉 | 南美番荔枝 | Custard apple | T1 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 蛋 | Eggs | *0.01 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 葫芦科果菜类 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 1 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 果菜类[葫芦科除外] | Fruiting vegetables, other than Cucurbits | 5 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 叶菜类蔬菜[芸苔属植物多叶蔬菜;结球莴苣除外] | Leafy vegetables [except Brassica leafy vegetables; Lettuce,Head] | 50 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 结球莴苣 | Lettuce, Head | 10 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 哺乳动物肉 | Meat [mammalian] | *0.01 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 乳 | Milks | *0.01 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 洋葱鳞茎 | Onion, Bulb | 1 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 威尔士洋葱 | Onion, Welsh | 5 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 仁果类水果 | Pome fruits | 0.5 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 马铃薯 | Potato | 0.1 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 家禽可食用内脏 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.01 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 家禽肉 | Poultry meat | *0.01 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 块根和块茎类蔬菜[土豆除外] | Root and tuber vegetables [except Potato] | 2 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 葱 | Shallot | 5 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 小洋葱 | Spring onion | 5 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 核果 | Stone fruits | 5 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 草莓 | Strawberry | 5 |
Penthiopyrad | 吡噻菌胺 | 树生坚果 | Tree nuts | 0.1 |
Proquinazid | 丙氧喹啉 | 葫芦科果菜类 | Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits | 0.2 |
Thiacloprid | 噻虫啉 | 蛋 | Eggs | *0.02 |
Thiacloprid | 噻虫啉 | 家禽可食用内脏 | Poultry, Edible offal of | *0.02 |
Thiacloprid | 噻虫啉 | 家禽肉 | Poultry meat | *0.02 |
Flubendamide | Flubendamide | 棉籽仁和壳 | Cotton seed meal and hulls | 0.05 |
Penthiopyrad | Penthiopyrad | 杏仁外壳 | Almond hulls | 7 |
Penthiopyrad | Penthiopyrad | 苹果渣[干] | Apple pomace, dry | 5 |
Penthiopyrad | Penthiopyrad | 番茄渣,干 | Tomato pomace, dry | 70 |
Thiacloprid | 噻虫啉 | 棉籽仁和壳 | Cotton seed meal and hulls | 0.05 |