

   2021-05-20 华中农业大学450
核心提示:近日,华中农业大学植物科学技术学院尹昌喜课题组揭示了乙烯-茉莉酸互作介导水稻根系响应盐胁迫的调控机制。  盐胁迫是限制全
  盐胁迫是限制全球粮食作物生产的主要非生物胁迫之一。据统计,全世界约有9.3亿hm2的土地遭受盐渍化,约20%的灌溉土地受到盐渍化影响,其中我国的土壤盐渍化面积大约有3600万hm2,严重限制着我国粮食生产。水稻(Oryza sativa L.)是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一,全球约有一半人口以稻米作为主粮。然而,盐胁迫会造成水稻生长发育受阻,最终导致水稻减产。因此,探究水稻耐盐机制,有望为培育耐盐水稻品种、提高盐渍化土地的水稻产量提供理论依据和实践指导,进而保障我国乃至全球的粮食安全。植物激素乙烯(ETH)和茉莉酸(JA)被称为逆境激素,它们参与调控植物响应多种逆境。然而,ETH与JA互作调控水稻种子根响应盐胁迫的分子机制尚不清楚。

  图1. 水稻种子根响应盐胁迫的调控机制模式图

  图2. JA通过介导根细胞增殖和细胞伸长调控水稻种子根生长
  The phytohormones ethylene and jasmonate play important roles in the adaption of rice plants to salt stress. However, the molecular interactions between ethylene and jasmonate on rice seminal root growth under salt stress is unknown. In this study, effects of NaCl on the homeostasis of ethylene and jasmonate and on the rice seminal root growth were investigated. Our results indicate that NaCl treatment promotes ethylene biosynthesis by up-regulating transcription of ethylene biosynthesis genes, whereas NaCl-induced ethylene cannot inhibit rice seminal root growth directly, but rather inhibits growth indirectly by promoting jasmonate biosynthesis. NaCl treatment also promotes jasmonate biosynthesis through an ethylene-independent pathway. Moreover, the analysis results of quantitative real-time PCR and confocal microscopy demonstrate that NaCl-induced jasmonate restricts root meristem cell proliferation by reducing meristem cell number and cell division activity via down-regulated transcription of OsPLT and cell division-related genes, respectively. Additionally, NaCl-induced jasmonate inhibits root cell elongation by down-regulating transcription of cell elongation-related genes, which in turn inhibits seminal root growth. Overall, salt stress promotes jasmonate biosynthesis through ethylene-dependent and -independent pathways in the rice seminal root, and salt-induced jasmonate inhibits the rice seminal root growth by inhibiting root meristem cell proliferation and root cell elongation under salt stress.

标签: 水稻
行业: 粮油
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