展会日期 | 2013-09-04 至 2013-09-06 |
展出城市 | 韩国 |
展出地址 | Fi Korea 2013 |
展馆名称 | Fi Korea 2013 |
主办单位 | 广州奥励特展览顾问有限公司 |
展会日期 | 2013-09-04 至 2013-09-06 |
展出城市 | 韩国 |
展出地址 | Fi Korea 2013 |
展馆名称 | Fi Korea 2013 |
主办单位 | 广州奥励特展览顾问有限公司 |
国内唯一国际食品配料技术展,跟大企业的产业交流场所:包括韩国的22个国家,102个国内外食品相关企业参展的FI KOREA 2012,是全世界大企业和中小企业的新技术,新配料,新产品的交流场所。FI KOREA 2012 提供国内企业走向国际市场绝佳机会的新领域食品配料技术专业展会。作为世界5大食品产业国之一的韩国,开展FI KOREA 2013 并在展会期间为展商可以跟全世界买家有1对1的配对机会。展出面积8047平方米,参展商102家,专业观众5574人
Name:Fi Korea 2013
Date:4-6 Sept.2013
For the past 5 years the Korean food industry (including the food ingredients industry) showed an annual growth rate of 8.1%. During the same period, Korea’s GDP growth rate was at 5.3% and the manufacturing industry also recorded a 5.3% growth rate. Considering the two rates it is a great indication that the food industry is becoming strong in Korea.
The Korean food industry is also an industry with a bright future where people are becoming increasingly interested in organic food, healthy ingredients, and well-being food.scale of halls are 8047sqm,102 exhibitors,5574 attendees.