展会日期 | 2013-07-15 至 2013-07-17 |
展出城市 | 南非 |
展出地址 | Big Seven 2013 |
展馆名称 | Big Seven 2013 |
主办单位 | 广州奥励特展览顾问有限公司 |
展会日期 | 2013-07-15 至 2013-07-17 |
展出城市 | 南非 |
展出地址 | Big Seven 2013 |
展馆名称 | Big Seven 2013 |
主办单位 | 广州奥励特展览顾问有限公司 |
展会简介:Africa’s Big Seven是非洲大陆上唯一真正符合国际特色的食品展会,2012年有来自45个国家的17540名观众、39个国家的542多家展商、中国企业86家,共展出392种大类产品,可分为2117小类,现场的买家包括阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥、毛里求斯、埃及、迪拜、印度尼西亚、新加坡、马来西亚、中国、土耳其等一些非洲国家。单单一个茶叶类食品展区就展出2156平方米。此次展会上58.1%的观众是公司所有人或决策人(比上届增长10%左右),92%的观众表示他们在展会上取得了新的业务联系,90%的观众表示会继续参加2013年的展会。最重要的是,86%的观众表示将推荐他们的商业伙伴一同参加2013年的展会。
Name:Big Seven 2013
Date:15-17 Jul.2013
Africas Big Seven is an event dedicated to the food and beverage industry in Africa. It owes its uniqueness to the fact that it hosts seven related co located events at a single venue, covering the entire production cycle of farm products including the marketing and supply of goods to retail stores. Over the decade, Africa has emerged as a major market for suppliers of agricultural and packaging equipments, encouraged primarily by the emergence of the African middle class as a major consumption segment.
Africas Big Seven is a combination of Pan Africa Retail Trade Exhibition Food, Beverage and Merchandise, AgriFood, FoodTech Africa along with DrinkTech Africa, Interbake Africa, IFMA Africa, Retail Solutions Africa and finally FoodBiz Africa. Thus every aspect and product category of the food and beverage industry is given adequate attention at this event which features more than 300 companies displaying over 3000 items.